In August quarter 2008, there were 568,400 part-time workers in Melbourne MSR. From August quarter 2007 to August quarter 2008, total part-time workers increased by 28,300 persons (5.2%) in Melbourne MSR.
In August quarter 2008, females accounted for the majority of part-time workers (70.5%) in Melbourne MSR. The majority of part-time workers (78.6%) preferred not to work additional hours, and this was more common amongst females (81.0%) than males (72.7%).
In Balance of Victoria MSR, the total number of part-time workers in August quarter 2008 was 223,500, an increase of 1,000 persons (0.4%) since August quarter 2007. The majority of these part-time workers (72.7%) preferred not to work more hours. Again the proportion of part-time workers was greater amongst females (76.1%) than males (64.1%).
PART-TIME WORKER'S INTENTION, By Major Statistical Region
- August Quarter 2008
![PART-TIME WORKER'S INTENTION, By Major Statistical Region - August Quarter 2008](/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/39433889d406eeb9ca2570610019e9a5/d4d18a6748311282ca25750700142a3c/Body/0.636!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2 Part Time Workers, By Sex, Melbourne (file size 23kB).
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2 Part Time Workers, By Sex, Balance of Victoria (file size 23kB).