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Learning Together, released in December 2000, is the Tasmanian Government’s vision for education, training and information systems in Tasmania into the 21st century and details the intended action to move Tasmania to a world-class education, training and information system.
It was developed within the context provided by Tasmania Together, the Government's overarching vision statement for Tasmania. Learning Together underpins the State Government’s broader vision, to ensure education remains a fundamental part of the continuing prosperity of Tasmania - economically, socially and culturally. It contains 134 specific initiatives, matched to five goals:
a valued and supported education workforce;
safe and inclusive learning environments for students;
enriching and fulfilling learning opportunities;
responsive and continually improving services; and
an information-rich community with access to global and local resources.
Learning Together is developed around a statement of values and also specifies the reporting and performance framework required and the indicators that will be used to measure progress. It is also supported by a Council, established to provide initial and ongoing monitoring and reporting of each of the initiatives. The work of the thirteen-member Council will assist the Tasmanian community to maintain a focus on world-class education, training and information practices, and aims to ensure that Learning Together continues to be a strategic framework that is dynamic, responsive and continually improving.