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Other areas of social concern
Other areas of social concern
National and state summary tables
Data sources and definitions
Higher criminal court outcomes
In 2002-03 there were 14,500 defendants in the Higher Criminal Courts, whose cases had been finalised by a judgement or decision of the courts. This article examines the characteristics of adjudicated defendants in the Higher Criminal Courts, including their age and sex, principal offence, and their court and sentencing outcomes.
Household water use and conservation
In 2000-01, households directly used around one-tenth (9%) of total water consumed in Australia. In 2004, the vast majority (90%) of Australians reported conserving water by using a water saving device (such as a dual flush toilet) and/or a practice such as taking shorter showers. This article examines water use and conservation by householders in and around the dwelling and in the garden.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: contact with the law
In 2002, taking into account the different age structures of the populations, twice as many Indigenous Australians were victims of physical or threatened violence compared with non-Indigenous Australians. This article explores Indigenous Australians’ contact with law enforcement authorities as well as exposure to family and personal violence.