4114-13 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)
Inspects, disassembles and reassembles aircraft structures, and repairs and replaces components of aircraft frames.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is an AQF Certificate III or higher qualification. Registration or licensing is required.
Tasks Include:
- positions parts and sub-assemblies such as fuselage, wing or tail components, fuel tanks, landing gear, safety systems and internal fittings on working surfaces, part-assembled airframes or assembly jigs, using hoists
- lays out and marks reference points or guidelines, and aligns parts
- assembles parts and sub-assemblies
- supervises welding of components
- verifies alignments, clearances and quality of finish after final assembly, by visual inspection and measurement, and rectifies faults
- replaces and repairs worn and damaged structural parts
- maintains records of action taken