Community-based corrections orders are non-custodial orders issued to offenders by criminal courts. Both adult and young offenders can be issued with community corrections orders and these are administered by agencies with the authority to serve these orders.
Adult community-based orders
Adult community-based orders are served under the authority of adult corrective services agencies and include restricted movement, reparations (fine option and community service) and supervision orders (parole, bail and sentenced probation). Quarterly data are sourced by the ABS from state and territory corrective services agencies.
On average there were 56,366 people in adult community-based corrections in Australia during the June quarter 2009. This equated to a rate of 338 people per 100,000 adult persons in community-based corrections. The most common community-based corrections orders issued were sentenced probation (34,310 people), followed by parole (12,363 people) and community service (10,347 people) (table 13.29).
Type of order | no. |
Restricted movement | 690 |
Reparation |  |
 | Fine option | 3 186 |
 | Community service | 10 347 |
Supervision (compliance) |  |
 | Parole | 12 363 |
 | Bail | 1 599 |
 | Sentenced probation | 34 310 |
Total | 56 366 |
(a) If a person has more than one type of order, they are counted against each order. If a person has more than one order of the same type, they are counted only once in the order type. |
Source: ABS Corrective Services, Australia (4512.0). |
Men were almost five times more likely to be in adult community-based corrections than women. The rate for men was 561 per 100,000 adult male population, while for women it was 120 per 100,000 adult female population.
Young people under community-based supervision
In 2007-08, the average daily number of young people under juvenile community-based supervision was 4,084. The most common type of order was probation or similar orders, with a daily average of 3,145 young people. Data are sourced from the Juvenile Justice National Minimum Dataset collected by the AIHW (table 13.30).
Type of order | Average daily no. |
Immediate release/suspended detention | 389 |
Parole/supervised release | 222 |
Probation or similar | 3 145 |
Supervised bail or other unsentenced supervision | 325 |
Other(c) | 6 |
Total | 4 084 |
(a) Excludes New South Wales as data were not available. |
(b) As a person may have had more than one order type during the same day, the sum of the components may be greater than the total. |
(c) Other includes home detention and other order types not elsewhere classified. |
Source: AIHW (2009) Juvenile Justice in Australia, 2007-08, Cat. No. JUV5. |