ACE is the most decentralised of the education sectors. ACE courses range broadly from general interest, recreational and leisure activities, personal development, social awareness and craft, through to vocational courses and remedial education.
ACE activity often complements the formal programs and qualification pathways provided by the school, VET and higher education sectors. While some ACE is provided by these sectors, many programs are delivered by a variety of community providers.
The 2005 Survey of Education and Training found that 594,800 adults were enrolled for study that did not lead to a qualification (table 12.25). Females comprised two-thirds (67%) of these persons and outnumbered males in all fields of study except for Architecture and building (92% male), and Engineering and related technologies (54% male).
The proportion of females was highest in Education (84% female) and in Food hospitality and personal services (80% female). Half of all persons enrolled in non-qualification study in 2005 were enrolled in either Creative arts (20% female and 5.6% male) or Society and culture (16% female and 8.8% male) studies.
12.25 PERSONS ENROLLED IN STUDY NOT LEADING TO QUALIFICATIONS, By gender and institutions - 2005 |
 | Male | Female | Persons |
Institution | % | % | 000 |
School,uni,tafe,business college | 38.9 | 61.1 | 103.5 |
Other training centers(a) | 34.8 | 65.2 | 361.9 |
Adult or community education centre | 24.9 | 75.1 | 129.4 |
Total | 33.4 | 66.6 | 594.8 |
(a) Industrial skills centre, job network, professional industry associations, manufacturers, training organisations. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Survey of Education and Training. |