Labour force status by sex and marital status - 1966-1977 |
Labour force status by sex, age and marital status - 1966-1977 |
Seasonally adjusted estimates of the labour force by sex and marital status - 1966-1977  |
Released 17/04/2007 |
Labour force status by sex and state/territory - 1966-1977 |
Labour force participation rates by age and marital status - 1966-1977 |
Employed people: full-time and part-time workers by age - 1966-1977 |
Employed people by sex, marital status and industry - 1996-1984 |
Average weekly hours worked by sex, marital status and industry - 1966-1984 |
Employed people by industry, sex and status of worker - 1978-1984 |
Employed people by occupation, sex and marital status - 1966-1984 |
Part-time and full-time workers by occupation, sex and marital status - 1966-1984 |
People who are not in the labour force by age, sex and marital status - 1966-1977 |