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This variable describes the type of household within a dwelling. Family households can contain non-family members (unrelated persons and visitors). The first three categories (11–13) of this classification can be further broken down to show those households with only family members present and those with non-family members present. This is in line with the ABS standard for this classification. Users requiring this level of information should indicate their requirements to the ABS consultant when specifying tables. A maximum of three families can be coded to a household. Lone person households can contain visitors. Visitor only households can contain Overseas Visitors. The Other Not Classifiable category includes those households which the collector determined were occupied on Census Night but where the collector could not make contact; households that contained only persons aged under 15 years; or households which could not be classified elsewhere in this classification because there was insufficient information on the census form. See also Family, Group household, Household, Lone person household.