Census Collection District (CD)
See Chapter 2.
Sections of State (SOS) and Sections of State Range (SOSR)
Within a state or territory, each SOS represents an aggregation of non-contiguous geographical areas of a particular urban/rural type. SOS are further broken down into different categories called SOSR. The SOS and SOSR categories are:
- Major Urban: this SOS category provides for a further three SOSR categories of urban areas (Urban Centres from the UC/L Structure) based upon population ranges of 1 million or more, 250,000 to 999,999, and 100,000 to 249,999
- Other Urban: this SOS category provides for a further five SOSR categories of urban areas (Urban Centres from the UC/L Structure) based upon population ranges of 50,000 to 99,999, 20,000 to 49,999, 10,000 to 19,999, 5,000 to 9,999, and 1,000 to 4,999
- Bounded Locality: this SOS category provides for a further two SOSR categories of rural areas (Localities from the UC/L Structure) with a population of 500 to 999 and 200 to 499
- Rural Balance: this SOS category is equivalent to the SOSR of the remainder of the State/Territory
- Migratory: this SOS category is equivalent to the SOSR of off-shore, shipping and migratory CDs (see Chapter 2).
SOSR code
SOSR are identified by unique two-digit codes within each S/T. For unique Australia-wide identification, each two-digit SOSR code has to be used in conjunction with the S/T code.
SOS code
SOS are identified by unique one-digit codes within each S/T. For unique Australia-wide identification, each one-digit SOS code has to be used in conjunction with the S/T code.
State/Territory (S/T)
See Chapter 2.