1384.6 - Statistics - Tasmania, 2007  
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Contents >> History >> Further information about Tasmanian history


Alexander, A. 1989, 'The Public Role of Women in Tasmania 1803-1914', unpublished thesis, University of Tasmania.

Bethell, L.S. 1980, The Story of Port Dalrymple, Blubber Head Press, Hobart.

Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies, 1984-present, Tasmanian Historical Studies, (formerly the Bulletin of the Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies), Hobart.

Cooley, T. C. 1963, Railroading in Tasmania 1868-1961, Government Printer.

Cyclopaedia of Tasmania Vol. I and Vol. II, 1900.

Genealogical Society of Tasmania 1980-present, Tasmanian Ancestry, Hobart.

Giblin, R. W. 1928, The Early History of Tasmania 1642-1804, Methuen and Co. London.

Giblin, R. W. 1939, The Early History of Tasmania 1804-1818, Melbourne University Press.

Kepars, I. 1997, World Bibliographic Series: Tasmania, Vol. 194, CLIO Press, Oxford.

Laidlaw, R. 1988, Mastering Australian History, Macmillan Co. South Melbourne.

Mulvaney, J. and Kamminga, J. 1999, Prehistory of Australia, Allen and Unwin Pty Ltd, NSW.

Newitt, L. 1988, Convicts and Carriageways: Tasmania’s Road Development until 1880, Department Main Roads.

Newman, T. 1994, Representation of the Tasmanian People 1803-1994 (expanded edition), Tasmanian Parliamentary Library.

Phillips, D. 1985, Making More Adequate Provision-State Education in Tasmania 1839-1985, Government Printer.

Reynolds, H. 1995, Fate of a Free People, Penguin, Victoria.

Robson, L. I. 1983, A History of Tasmania Vol. I, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Robson, L. I. 1991, A History of Tasmania Vol. II, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Robson, L. I. 1997, A Short History of Tasmania (2nd edition updated by Michael Roe), Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Ryan, L. 1996, The Aboriginal Tasmanians (2nd edition), Allen and Unwin, NSW.

Stancombe, G. H. 1968, Highway in Van Diemens Land, Halstead Press, Sydney.

Stoward, J. (ed) 2001, Tasmanian Almanac 2001-2002, John Stoward.

Tasmanian Historical Research Association 1951-1999, Papers and Proceedings.

Townsley, W. A. 1994, Tasmania from Colony to Statehood 1803-1945, St. David’s Park Publishing, Hobart.

Townsley, W. A. 1994, Tasmania: Microcosm of the Federation or Vassal State 1945-1983, St. David’s Park Publishing, Hobart.

Von Stieglitz, K. R. 1958, A History of Local Government in Tasmania.


Department of Economic Development, http://www.development.tas.gov.au

Department of Premier and Cabinet, http://www.dpac.tas.gov.au

National Council for the Centenary of Federation, http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/10492/20021115/index.htm

Premier's web site, http://www.premier.tas.gov.au

Service Tasmania, http://www.service.tas.gov.au

Tourism Tasmania, http://events.dtpha.tas.gov.au/Events/Controller/index.asp

Tasmanian Government Media Releases, http://www.media.tas.gov.au

Tasmanian Parliamentary Library - Tasmanian Political Almanac, http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/php/Almanac.htm

Tasmania Online, http://www.tas.gov.au


The ABS wishes to thank Tony Marshall, Senior Librarian (Heritage Collections), State Library of Tasmania and the Department of Premier and Cabinet for their input.

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