2291-15 |
Industrial Relations Officer
Assists in resolving disputes by advising on industrial relations policies and problems, and representing industrial, commercial, union, employer or other organisations in negotiations.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification or at least 5 years relevant experience. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks Include:
- undertakes negotiations on terms and conditions of employment, wage structures, employee status and other industrial matters
- studies and interprets legislation, awards and agreements, wage payment systems and dispute settlement procedures
- researches, develops and implements enterprise agreements, including productivity-based wage adjustment procedures
- undertakes or assists in the development, planning and formulation of employee relations policies, programs and procedures for implementation
- advises on negotiating procedures, regulations relating to employment, and arbitration decisions
- oversees the formation and conduct of workplace consultative committees and employee participation initiatives
- may appear as an advocate before industrial tribunals
- may contribute to decisions concerning the provision of staff amenities
- may develop and review profit share and employee share plans
Industrial Advocate
Trade Union Official
Union Organiser