NATURAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE PROFESSIONALS perform analytical, conceptual and practical tasks in relation to the chemical and physical properties of the universe, life forms including the physiology and biochemistry of humans, animals and plants, environmental factors and agricultural production, disease prevention and the extraction and processing of mineral ores.
Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks performed by Natural and Physical Science Professionals typically include conducting experiments and testing to identify the chemical composition and reactive properties of natural substances or processed materials; conducting studies of minerals and the nature and formation of the earth's crust; studying the forms and structures of organs and tissues of the body by systematic observation, dissection and microscopic examination; investigating the effects of environmental factors such as rainfall, temperature, sunlight, soil, topography and disease on plant and animal growth; developing techniques to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases; conducting experiments to discover and develop industrial, medical, and other practical applications of physics; studying and applying chemical and metallurgical techniques for extracting and refining metallic materials from their ores or concentrates; managing and performing laboratory investigations to test and evaluate materials and products.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups: