28. The method of obtaining data on 'Main field of highest non-school qualification' is direct question. The standard question module for 'Level of highest non-school qualification' (Q3) precedes the recommended question module for 'Main field of highest non-school qualification'.
Interviewer-based collections
29. The recommended question module is:
| Q4 | What is the main field of study for that qualification? |
| | | |
| | Interviewer: If 'Nursing', 'Arts', 'Science', or 'Engineering', ask for more detail. |
| | | |
| | ....................................................................................... |
Self-completed collections
30. The recommended question module is:
| Q4 | What is the main field of study for [your] [the person's] highest qualification completed? |
| | For example, plumbing, history, primary school teaching, hairdressing, greenkeeping. |
| | |
| | Field of study |
| | ....................................................................... |
31. The standard input categories are the six-digit Field of Education categories of the ASCED except for 120101 General Primary and Secondary Education Programmes. For operational reasons, supplementary codes also exist to enable inadequately described responses to be coded. A full list of valid input codes is provided at Appendix A.
32. The ASCED Field of Education category 120101, General Primary and Secondary Education Programmes is not valid for this variable.