2511-11 Social Worker
Assesses the social needs of individuals and groups, and assists people to develop and use the skills and resources needed to resolve social and other problems.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification. Registration or licensing may be required.
Tasks Include:
- acts as a contact between clients in need and community services
- assesses resources for health, welfare, recreation, housing, employment and other community services
- provides leadership and assistance for the implementation of pilot projects in community development and self-help
- assists community organisations, social agencies and voluntary groups to improve services or develop new services
- conducts individual or family case interviews to identify the nature and extent of clients' problems
- evaluates information obtained to determine the type of assistance required
- assists clients to understand and resolve problems by providing information and referring them to community or self-help agencies
- monitors the progress of clients by maintaining contact
- compiles case records and reports
- may assist in budget preparation and policy formulation