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Sex; age; marital status; relationship in household; state or territory of usual residence, area and region of usual residence; remoteness area; birthplace and year of arrival in Australia, educational attainment; whether attending educational institution (15–24 year olds); current labour force status. Income Current weekly gross personal income from all sources; all sources of income; main source of income; all types of government pension / allowance received; total gross weekly household income from all sources. Employment characteristics (both current main job and job in which most recent work-related injury or illness occurred) Labour force status; employment type; hours usually worked (also in all jobs); duration of job; full-time or part-time status; status in employment; occupation; industry; whether worked shift work; expected future duration in job; whether worked on a contract. Most recent work-related injury or illness information Length of absence from work; whether received financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss; all sources of financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss; whether applied for and whether received workers compensation; main reason did not apply for workers’ compensation; whether occurred within the first 6 months of starting job; type of illness/injury sustained; how illness/injury occurred; location where occurred; main reason for ceasing job; whether returned to work at any time after; whether received any formal training in OH&S risks in workplace at any time prior; whether received formal training in OH&S risks in the workplace in current or most recent job; type of training undertaken. 22.3.6 Data collected in the survey topic are compiled according to concepts and definitions outlined in Chapter 2 (Currently economically active population) Chapter 4 (Employment measures and classifications), Chapter 15 (Occupational injuries and diseases), and Chapter 16 (Other classifications used in labour statistics). 22.3.7 Work-related injuries or illnesses have been classified according to the Type of Occurrence Classifications System (TOOCS), which was developed by Safe Work Australia for coding workers' compensation claims. The classification used in the work-related injuries survey topic is based on the TOOCS nature of injury codes (type of injury or illness) and the TOOCS mechanism of injury codes (how the injury or illness occurred). SCOPE 22.3.8 The scope of this survey topic is restricted to persons aged 15 years and over. The standard scope restrictions for the MPHS outlined in Chapter 22 also apply to this survey topic. SAMPLE SIZE 22.3.9 The size of the sample for the work-related injuries topic in 2005–06 and 2009–10 was increased through user funding to improve the reliability of the estimate RELATED SURVEYS 22.3.10 Data on work-related injuries were previously collected in September 2000 as part of the supplementary survey program. Data from the supplementary survey and the MPHS topic are not directly comparable as there are differences in the concepts measured, scope, collection methodology; and sample design (including sample size). The following is a summary of the methodological differences between the September 2000 supplementary survey and the MPHS survey topic:
22.3.11 See Chapter 21 and Chapter 22 for more information on the survey methodologies for the MPHS and the supplementary surveys. DATA COMPARABILITY OVER TIME 22.3.12 In order to provide a degree of consistency and comparability over time, changes to survey methods, survey concepts, data item definitions, frequency of collection, and analysis methods are made as infrequently as possible. Changes affecting the LFS may also affect this survey. Such changes are outlined in Chapter 20 and are not repeated here.
Survey conducted (July 2005 to June 2006) on MPHS for the first time. Data published in Work–Related Injuries, Australia (cat. no. 6324.0). 2009–10 The following new data items were included: remoteness area; number of days of the week/shifts usually worked in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred; whether received formal training in OH&S risks in the workplace in current or most recent job; type of OH&S training undertaken. The data item 'whether received any formal training in OH&S risks in workplace at any time prior to work-related injury or illness' was determined from responses to questions about whether received particular types of training. In 2005–06 this item was determined by asking a question only about whether any training had been received, not particular types. FURTHER INFORMATION 22.3.13 For further details contact the Labour Market Statistics Section in Canberra on (02) 6252 7206 or email <>.