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Feature Article - Focus on the Queensland Construction Industry GRAPH 1. CONTRIBUTION OF CONSTRUCTION TO GSP AND GDP ACTIVITY The value of construction activity in Queensland, in current price terms, rose from $10,795.8 million in 1998-99 to $14,442.4 million in 2002-03, an increase of 33.8% over the five year period. Growth in the value of the construction activity in Queensland during this period was similar to the Australian level (up 31.9%). GRAPH 2. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, Value of Work Done - Qld. Movement in the value of construction activity in Queensland over the five years from 1998-99 to 2002-03 was driven mainly by Residential building. The value of Residential building activity rose from $3,572.9 million in 1998-99 to $6,426 million in 2002-03, an increase of 79.9% ($2,853.1 million), compared to the Australian increase of 54.1%. Over this five year period, the value of work done on Houses in Queensland increased 76.8% ($2,011.1 million), while the value of work done on other residential building rose 88.3% ($842.1 million). In 2002-03, Residential building activity accounted for 44.5% of total construction activity in Queensland, equal to the Australian level. After Residential building, Engineering construction experienced the next largest increase in value from 1998-99 to 2002-03. Over the five year period the value of Engineering construction activity rose from $4,574.7 million in 1998-99 to $5,560.9 million in 2002-03, an increase of 21.6%. This is less than the increase experienced at the Australian level where it rose 29.1% over the same period. In 2002-03, Engineering construction activity contributed 38.5% of total construction activity in Queensland, compared to 34.5% of total construction activity nationally. In Queensland the value of Non-residential building activity decreased from $2,648.2 million in 1998-99 to $2,455.5 million in 2002-03, a fall of 7.3%. Nationally, Non-residential building activity increased 3.9% over the same period. The fall in the value of work done in Non-residential building was largely the result of a 6.4% decrease from 1999-2000 to 2000-01 with no corresponding rebound in following years. Consequently, in 2002-03 the value of Non-residential building activity was $192.7 million below the value five years earlier. Over the five years Non-residential building's share of total construction activity in Queensland has progressively fallen from 24.5% in 1998-99 to 17.0% in 2002-03. A similar situation occurred nationally with the value contribution of Non-residential building to total construction activity falling from 26.7% in 1998-99 to 21.0% in 2002-03. Over the five year period the largest increases to the value of construction occurred from 2000-01 to 2001-02 when the value of Residential building activity increased 42.6% and Non-residential construction increased 1.4%. For Engineering construction activity the largest increase (20.2%) occurred from 2001-02 to 2002-03.
BUSINESS INVESTMENT Over the five years from 1998-99 to 2002-03, private new capital expenditure in the Queensland Construction industry increased 20.1%, from $323 million in 1998-99 to $388 million in 2002-03. In contrast, nationally over the five year period, private new capital expenditure in the construction industry increased 10.6% to $1,980 million in 2002-03.
INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES Over the five years to 2002-03, industrial disputes in the Construction industry in Queensland reached its highest level in 2002-03 at 57 disputes. In 2002-03 industrial disputes in the Construction industry involved 11,200 employees and resulted in 34,000 working days lost. In 1998-99, the Queensland Construction industry recorded 358 working days lost per thousand employees due to industrial disputes. In the following two years this number was halved, but rose to 279 in 2001-02. In 2002-03 the number of working days lost per thousand employees in Queensland increased to 373, compared to the national rate of 235.
EMPLOYMENT Number of employed persons The Construction industry is one of the largest employing industries in Queensland. In 2002-03, the Construction industry employed 8.4% of the state's total workforce, making it the fifth largest employing industry behind Retail trade (16.2%), Property and business services (10.6%), Manufacturing (10.3%) and Health and community services (9.7%). Over the five years to 2002-03, the number of persons employed in Construction increased 9.5% from 136,500 persons in 1998-99, to 149,400 persons in 2002-03. Nationally, employment increased 15.1%. Of the 149,400 persons employed in the Construction industry in Queensland in 2002-03, 65.3% were employed in Construction trade services and 34.7% were employed in General construction. Between 1998-99 and 2002-03, the number of persons employed in General construction increased by 3.2% and in Construction and trade services by 13.0%. Over the five years from 1998-99 to 2002-03, the majority of Construction trade services recorded increases in employment. The largest percentage increase in the number of persons employed occurred in Other construction services increasing 66.3%, followed by Installation trade services (11.0%) and Building construction (10.8%). The only falls occurred in Site preparation services, decreasing 5.6%, and Non-building construction, decreasing 16.4%.
Status of employment Of persons employed in the Construction industry in Queensland in 2002-03, 63.5% (99,900) were employees, compared to 65.5% nationally. The second highest percentage of workers were engaged on an 'own account' basis and constituted 28.9% (45,400) of persons employed in Construction in Queensland in 2002-03. This is similar to the national level of 27.9% (graph 3). Employers and Contributing family workers accounted for 6.9% (10,800 persons) and 0.8% (1,200 persons) of the Queensland Construction industry respectively, similar to their share of the Australian Construction industry at 6.0% and 0.6%. GRAPH 3. OWN ACCOUNT WORKERS AS A PERCENTAGE OF INDUSTRY EMPLOYMENT (a), 2002-03 Hours worked Persons employed in the Construction industry in Queensland worked an average of 38.7 hours per week in 2002-03, compared to 38.4 hours per week nationally. In Queensland, the average number of hours worked per week differed between General construction and Construction trade services in 2002-03, with persons employed in General construction working an average of 40.3 hours per week, and those employed in Construction trade services working an average of 37.8 hours per week.
For further information on this article, please contact Rachel Smith on (08) 8237 7324. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.