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2016 Census

The Census is the largest form of information gathering conducted in Australia – it tells us about our way of life and helps us plan for the future

The Census of Population and Housing (Census) is Australia’s largest statistical collection undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). For more than 100 years, the Census has provided a snapshot of Australia, showing how our nation has changed over time, allowing us to plan for the future.

The aim of the Census is to accurately collect data on the key characteristics of people in Australia on Census night and the dwellings in which they live. In 2016, the Census will count close to 10 million dwellings and approximately 24 million people, the largest number counted to date.

The information you provide in the Census helps estimate Australia’s population, which is used to distribute government funds and plan services for your community – housing, transport, education, industry, hospitals and the environment. Census data is also used by individuals and organisations in the public and private sectors to make informed decisions on policy and planning issues that impact the lives of all Australians.

Australia has a long and proud history of Census taking. Since the first national Census in 1911, Census data has played an important role in charting Australia’s history and shaping its future.

When is 2016 Census data being released?

To see the data release schedule for the 2016 Census please see the 2008.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Nature and Content, Australia 2016 publication.

2016 Census



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