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- Main Statistical Area Structure (Main ASGS)
- Greater Capital City Statistical Areas
- Indigenous Structures
- Section of State/Urban Centres and Localities
- Significant Urban Areas
- Remoteness Areas
- Local Government Areas
- Suburbs and Localities
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- A
- Postal Areas
- Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- State Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- Main Statistical Area Structure (Main ASGS)
- Greater Capital City Statistical Areas
- Indigenous Structures
- Section of State/Urban Centres and Localities
- Significant Urban Areas
- Remoteness Areas
- Local Government Areas
- State Suburb
- Postal Areas
- Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- State Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- Main Statistical Area Structure (Main ASGS)
- Greater Capital City Statistical Areas
- Indigenous Structures
- Section of State/Urban Centres and Localities
- Significant Urban Areas
- Remoteness Areas
- Local Government Areas
- Statistical Local Areas
- State Suburb
- Postal Areas
- Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- State Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- Main Statistical Geographic Classification (ASGC)
- Indigenous Structures
- Local Government Areas
- State Suburb
- Postal Areas
- Electoral Divisions
- 2004 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- 2007 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- State Electoral Divisions
- 2004 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- Statistical Regions
- Statistical District Geography
- Urban Centre Localities
- Section of State
- Remoteness Areas
- Main Statistical Geographic Classification (ASGC)
- Indigenous Structures
- Local Government Areas
- State Suburb
- Postal Areas
- Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- State Electoral Divisions
- Commonwealth Electoral Divisions
- Statistical Regions
- Statistical District Geography
- Urban Centre Localities
- Section of State
- Remoteness Areas
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Not all Countries of birth are available in this search. For more information on Countries of birth and geographies available for each Census year, please refer to the QuickStats user guide.
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About this search page
This page allows you to search for Census data by selecting your area of interest in the relevant Census year. The interactive map will assist with your search options. Results are presented as either:
- QuickStats – summary statistics for the area
QuickStats are presented for all persons, but are also available for a specific sub-population, for example the Indigenous population. - Community Profiles – more detailed statistics for the area
Community Profiles present multiple data tables covering demographic, household and dwelling characteristics for the area. They can be viewed by downloading an excel spreadsheet after clicking on the Community Profile search result.
For more detailed guidance, see: How to use Search Census data.
About Census geographies
To access Census data about an area, you will need to select a geography – in some cases, you might be faced with different options for the area you’re interested in. Selecting the right geography will largely depend on the population, characteristics or general trends you’re interested in.
Because Census data gives us a snapshot of Australia at a point in time, it’s important to note that these geographic boundaries are reflective of what they were on Census night, for the year the Census was collected.
For more information on 2021 geographies, see: Understanding Census geography.
Other useful resources
To view definitions and glossary terms for classifications and variables, see: 2021 Census dictionary.
To download the 2021 Census household form, see: Sample copies of the 2021 Census paper forms.
For information about Census data products and machine to machine Census 'API calls', see: Census data tools and products.
For more information on previous Censuses, see: Historical Census data.