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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sentenced prisoners accounted for 27% (6,874 prisoners) of all sentenced prisoners. (Table 8)
Four in five (81%) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners sentenced in the previous 12 months had been imprisoned previously, compared to 59% of non-Indigenous prisoners. (Table 8)
The median aggregate sentence length for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners was two years, compared to 3.3 years for non-Indigenous prisoners. The only offence for which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners had a longer median aggregate sentence length than non-Indigenous prisoners was sexual assault (7.5 years compared to 7.0 years). (Table 10)
The median expected time to serve for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners was 1.2 years, compared to two years for non-Indigenous prisoners. The only offence for which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners had a longer median expected time to serve than non-Indigenous prisoners was sexual assault (5.2 years compared to 4.7 years). (Table 11)
The median aggregate sentence length for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sentenced prisoners was longest in South Australia (3.7 years) and shortest in the Northern Territory (1.2 years). (Table 24)
The median expected time to serve for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sentenced prisoners was longest in South Australia (2.8 years) and shortest in Queensland and the Northern Territory (both 1 year). (Table 26)
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