8179.0.55.001 - Discussion Paper: Submission Process for the Information and Communications Technology Statistics Review, 2014-15
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 16/01/2015 First Issue
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How to make a submission
b) What are your critical data needs in this area? What do you use the information for? (Why is this information important to you? What decisions are made using the information?) c) What benefits are there to your organisation from having this information available to you (e.g. impact on your time frames, productivity, costs etc.)? d) Do the ABS statistics meet your information needs? If not, please provide a reason (e.g. accuracy, timeliness, relevance etc.) Are you aware of any other data that are, or may be publicly available which would meet your information needs? Who owns these data? e) Is there data that your organisation holds which are, or could be released publicly to add to the available information on ICT? Please include any administrative or ‘big data’ sources. f) Other than cost, are there any major barriers to collecting, producing and/or using statistics to inform your ICT statistical information needs? g) What role do you see your organisation playing in the collection and dissemination of publicly available ICT statistics? h) What role(s) do you see for other organisations in ICT statistics? Please note, each submission needs to be accompanied by the submission coversheet. Send submissions to: innovation.technology@abs.gov.au. While submissions by email are preferred, print copies can be sent to the following address: ICT Statistics Review Secretariat Australian Bureau of Statistics GPO Box K881 PERTH WA 6842 The Review team will acknowledge receipt of written submissions. For enquiries, please contact Tracey Rowley on 08 9360 5171 between 8.30am and 5.00pm AWST. Please note submissions may be made publicly available. Publication of a submission, or any part of it, is not an indication that the Review team, the Department of Communications or the ABS endorses the content of that submission. The Review team will respect the confidentiality of any information indicated in the submission as sensitive or confidential. However, it should be noted that any such material could still be subject to disclosure to a House or Committee or Parliament, Ministers, Commonwealth entities or where authorised by law. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to the ABS. Acknowledgement of submissions Acknowledgement of the submitting organisations may be published as part of the ICT Statistics Review final report, unless requested to be withheld. Please indicate on the submission coversheet whether you would like your organisation’s name withheld from this list. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.