This document was added or updated on 27/06/2006.
 | Units | Value |
Number of businesses | number | 339 |
Employment | persons | 1 267 |
Total income | +$million | 94.1 |
Profit | +$million | 13.5 |
Income by selected industries, 2004-05

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- This was the first ABS survey of Norfolk Island private sector businesses. As such, there are no comparative data.
- At 30 June 2005 there were 339 private sector businesses operating on Norfolk Island. These businesses had total employment of 1,267 persons and generated $94.1m in income in 2004-05. The profit of these businesses in 2004-05 was $13.5m which represents an operating profit margin of 14.3% .
- The industry data highlights the predominance of tourism-related businesses in the Norfolk Island economy. Those tourism-related businesses (ie retail, accommodation, restaurants, travel and tour operators, clubs, pubs and taverns) represent 71% of business income and 68% of private sector employment.
This is the first release of results for the Norfolk Island Business Survey. The survey was undertaken on Norfolk Island by officers of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
This publication presents estimates of income, expenses and employment for the year ended June 2005 for the operations of Norfolk Island private sector businesses. In addition, estimates for a limited set of data for the year ended December 2005 and March quarter 2006 are also provided.
It should be noted that this publication does not include Norfolk Island government business enterprises (see paragraph 5 of Explanatory Notes). Information for Norfolk Island government business enterprises are available in the Norfolk Island Annual Report 2004-2005.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Paul Sullivan on Canberra (02) 6252 6359.