1st Release
This variable contains the religion of a person. The answering of this question in the Census is voluntary.
Applicable to: All persons.
 | 1 | BUDDHISM |  |
 | 101 | Buddhism |  |
 | 1011 | Buddhism
|  |
 | 2 | CHRISTIANITY |  |
 | 200 | Christian, nfd |  |
 | 2000 | Christian, nfd |  |
 | 2001 | Apostolic Church, so described
|  |
 | 201 | Anglican |  |
 | 2011 | Anglican
|  |
 | 203 | Baptist |  |
 | 2031 | Baptist |  |
 | 205 | Brethren |  |
 | 2051 | Brethren
|  |
 | 207 | Catholic |  |
 | 2071 | Western Catholic |  |
 | 2072 | Maronite Catholic |  |
 | 2073 | Melkite Catholic |  |
 | 2074 | Ukrainian Catholic |  |
 | 2079 | Catholic, nec
|  |
 | 211 | Churches of Christ |  |
 | 2110 | Churches of Christ, nfd |  |
 | 2111 | Churches of Christ (Conference) |  |
 | 2112 | Church of Christ (Non denominational) |  |
 | 2113 | International Church of Christ
|  |
 | 213 | Jehovah's Witnesses |  |
 | 2131 | Jehovah's Witnesses
|  |
 | 215 | Latter Day Saints |  |
 | 2150 | Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, nfd |  |
 | 2151 | Church of Jesus Christ of LDS (Mormons) |  |
 | 2152 | Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
|  |
 | 217 | Lutheran |  |
 | 2171 | Lutheran
|  |
 | 221 | Oriental Christian |  |
 | 2210 | Oriental Christian, nfd |  |
 | 2211 | Ancient Church of the East |  |
 | 2212 | Armenian Apostolic Church |  |
 | 2213 | Assyrian Church of the East |  |
 | 2214 | Coptic Orthodox Church |  |
 | 2215 | Syrian (Jacobite) Church |  |
 | 2219 | Oriental Christian, nec
|  |
 | 223 | Orthodox |  |
 | 2230 | Orthodox, nfd |  |
 | 2231 | Albanian Orthodox |  |
 | 2232 | Antiochian Orthodox |  |
 | 2233 | Greek Orthodox |  |
 | 2234 | Macedonian Orthodox |  |
 | 2235 | Romanian Orthodox |  |
 | 2236 | Russian Orthodox |  |
 | 2237 | Serbian Orthodox |  |
 | 2238 | Ukrainian Orthodox |  |
 | 2239 | Orthodox, nec
|  |
 | 225 | Presbyterian & Reformed |  |
 | 2250 | Presbyterian & Reformed, nfd |  |
 | 2251 | Presbyterian |  |
 | 2252 | Reformed |  |
 | 2253 | Free Reformed |  |
 | 227 | Salvation Army |  |
 | 2271 | Salvation Army
|  |
 | 231 | Seventh-day Adventist |  |
 | 2311 | Seventh-day Adventist |  |
 | 233 | Uniting Church |  |
 | 2331 | Uniting Church
|  |
 | 240 | Pentecostal |  |
 | 2400 | Pentecostal, nfd |  |
 | 2401 | Apostolic Church (Australia) |  |
 | 2402 | Assemblies of God |  |
 | 2403 | Bethesda Churches |  |
 | 2404 | Christian City Church |  |
 | 2405 | Christian Life Churches International |  |
 | 2406 | Christian Outreach Centres |  |
 | 2407 | Christian Revival Crusade |  |
 | 2408 | Faith Churches |  |
 | 2411 | Foursquare Gospel Church |  |
 | 2412 | Full Gospel Church |  |
 | 2413 | Revival Centres |  |
 | 2414 | Rhema Family Church |  |
 | 2415 | United Pentecostal |  |
 | 2499 | Pentecostal, nec
|  |
 | 280 | Other Protestant |  |
 | 2800 | Other Protestant, nfd |  |
 | 2801 | Aboriginal Evangelical Missions |  |
 | 2802 | Born Again Christian |  |
 | 2803 | Christian & Missionary Alliance |  |
 | 2804 | Church of the Nazarene |  |
 | 2805 | Congregational |  |
 | 2806 | Ethnic Evangelical Churches |  |
 | 2807 | Independent Evangelical Churches |  |
 | 2808 | Wesleyan Methodist Church |  |
 | 2899 | Other Protestant, nec
|  |
 | 290 | Other Christian |  |
 | 2901 | Apostolic Church of Queensland |  |
 | 2902 | Christadelphians |  |
 | 2903 | Christian Science |  |
 | 2904 | Gnostic Christians |  |
 | 2905 | Liberal Catholic Church |  |
 | 2906 | New Apostolic Church |  |
 | 2907 | New Churches (Swedenborgian) |  |
 | 2908 | Ratana (Maori) |  |
 | 2911 | Religious Science |  |
 | 2912 | Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) |  |
 | 2913 | Temple Society |  |
 | 2914 | Unitarian |  |
 | 2915 | Worldwide Church of God |  |
 | 2999 | Other Christian, nec
|  |
 | 3 | HINDUISM |  |
 | 301 | Hinduism |  |
 | 3011 | Hinduism
|  |
 | 4 | ISLAM |  |
 | 401 | Islam |  |
 | 4011 | Islam
|  |
 | 5 | JUDAISM |  |
 | 501 | Judaism |  |
 | 5011 | Judaism
|  |
 | 601 | Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions |  |
 | 6011 | Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions
|  |
 | 603 | Baha'i |  |
 | 6031 | Baha'i
|  |
 | 605 | Chinese Religions |  |
 | 6050 | Chinese Religions, nfd |  |
 | 6051 | Ancestor Veneration |  |
 | 6052 | Confucianism |  |
 | 6053 | Taoism
|  |
 | 607 | Druse |  |
 | 6071 | Druse
|  |
 | 611 | Japanese Religions |  |
 | 6110 | Japanese Religions, nfd |  |
 | 6111 | Shinto |  |
 | 6112 | Sukyo Mahikari |  |
 | 6113 | Tenrikyo
|  |
 | 613 | Nature Religions |  |
 | 6130 | Nature Religions, nfd |  |
 | 6131 | Animism |  |
 | 6132 | Druidism |  |
 | 6133 | Paganism |  |
 | 6134 | Pantheism |  |
 | 6135 | Wiccan/Witchcraft |  |
 | 6139 | Nature Religions, nec
|  |
 | 615 | Sikhism |  |
 | 6151 | Sikhism
|  |
 | 617 | Spiritualism |  |
 | 6171 | Spiritualism
|  |
 | 621 | Theism, nec |  |
 | 6211 | Theism, nec
|  |
 | 623 | Zoroastrianism |  |
 | 6231 | Zoroastrianism
|  |
 | 699 | Miscellaneous Religions |  |
 | 6991 | Caodaism |  |
 | 6992 | Church of Scientology |  |
 | 6993 | Eckankar |  |
 | 6994 | Rastafarianism |  |
 | 6995 | Satanism |  |
 | 6996 | Theosophy |  |
 | 6999 | Religious Groups, nec
|  |
 | 7 | NO RELIGION |  |
 | 701 | No Religion |  |
 | 7010 | No Religion, nfd |  |
 | 7011 | Agnosticism |  |
 | 7012 | Atheism |  |
 | 7013 | Humanism |  |
 | 7014 | Rationalism
|  |
 | 0002 | Religious belief, nfd |  |
 | 0003 | Inadequately described |  |
 | &&&& | Not stated |  |
 | VVVV | Overseas visitor |  |
Total number of categories: 124