This publication presents results from the Survey of Income and Housing (SIH) on estimates of household net worth, or wealth. It includes summary measures of the distribution of household net worth in Australia. Classifications used to describe households include net worth quintile, income quintile, principal source of household income, family composition, tenure type and geographic location. For each category of household, estimates of the various assets and liabilities comprising net worth are provided along with estimates of household income, household size and other characteristics.
This is the second issue of this publication. Changes made in this issue which have impacted on the data include:
- the inclusion of all salary sacrificed amounts in income estimates for 2003-04 and 2005-06. In the first issue, in respect of 2003-04, the income estimates only included some salary sacrificed amounts. The 2003-04 income estimates included in this issue have therefore been revised to include additional salary sacrificed amounts (in Table 1 and Summary of Findings). For more information see Appendix 4 of Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2005-06 (cat. no. 6523.0).
- the use of more detailed age benchmarks when determining the weights to be allocated to each person and household in the 2005-06 estimates. For further information refer to paragraph 54 of the Explanatory Notes.
- expanded detail for age groups, splitting a category for those aged 65 years and over into two categories for 65-74 and 75 years and over.
Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals. Published percentages are calculated prior to rounding of the figures and therefore some discrepancy may exist between these percentages and those that could be calculated from the rounded figures.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Rajni Madan on Canberra (02) 6252 7457.