Time Series Spreadsheets |
Table 04. Employed persons by Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) - Trend, Seasonally adjusted, and Original |
Table 05. Employed persons by State, Territory and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) |
Table 06. Employed persons by Industry sub-division of main job (ANZSIC) and Sex |
Table 07. Employed persons by Occupation major group of main job (ANZSCO) and Sex |
Table 11. Employed persons by Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) and Hours actually worked in all jobs |
Table 12. Employed persons by Occupation major group of main job (ANZSCO) and Hours actually worked in all jobs |
Table 13. Employed persons by Status in employment of main job and Hours actually worked in all jobs |
Table 17. Employed persons by Expectations of future employment and Number of months with current employer or in own business |
Table 19. Underemployed persons by Industry division (ANZSIC), Occupation major group (ANZSCO) of main job and Sex |
Table 23a. Volume measures of underutilisation by State, Territory and Sex |
Table 23b. Volume measures of underutilisation by Age and Sex |
Table 26a. Employed persons by State, Territory and Sector (public/private) of main job |
Table 26b. Employed persons by Sector (public/private) of main job, Age and Sex |
Table 27. Employed persons by Sector (public/private) and Industry division (ANZSIC) of main job |
Table 28. Employed persons by Sector (public/private) and Occupation major group (ANZSCO) of main job |
Table 29a. Retrenchment by Labour force status, State and Territory |
Table 29b. Retrenchment by Labour force status and by Age and Sex |
All Quarterly Time Series Spreadsheets |
Data Cubes |
EQ02 - Employed persons by Number of months with current employer or in own business, Sex, State and Territory, May 2001 onwards |
EQ03 - Employed persons by Greater Capital City and Rest of State (ASGS), Industry division of main job (ANZSIC) and Sex, November 1984 onwards |
EQ04 - Employed persons by Hours actually worked in all jobs, Sex and Status in employment of main job, February 1991 onwards |
EQ05 - Employed persons by Industry division (ANZSIC) and Status in employment of main job, February 1991 onwards |
EQ06 - Employed persons by Industry group of main job (ANZSIC), Sex, State and Territory, November 1984 onwards |
EQ07a - Employed persons by Age, Occupation sub-major group of main job (ANZSCO) and Sex, August 1986 onwards |
EQ07b - Employed persons by Occupation major group (ANZSCO) and Status in employment of main job, February 1991 onwards |
EQ08 - Employed persons by Occupation unit group of main job (ANZSCO), Sex, State and Territory, August 1986 onwards |
EQ09 - Employed persons by Industry division (ANZSIC) and Occupation major group (ANZSCO) of main job and Sex, August 1986 onwards |
EQ10 - Employed persons by Hours usually worked in all jobs and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC), May 2001 onwards |
EQ11 - Employed persons by Hours actually worked and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC), May 2001 onwards |
EQ12 - Employed persons by Age and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC), November 1984 onwards |
EQ13 - Employed persons by Age and Occupation major group of main job (ANZSCO), August 1986 onwards |
EQ14 - Employed persons by Hours usually worked and Industry division of main job (ANZSIC), August 2014 onwards |
RQ1 - Employed persons by Industry division of main job (ANZSIC), Labour market region (ASGS) and Sex, Annual averages of the preceding four quarters, Year to August 1999 onwards |
RQ2 - Employed persons by Labour market region (ASGS), Occupation major group (ANZSCO) and Sex, Annual averages of the preceding four quarters, Year to August 1999 onwards |
UQ2a - Unemployed persons by Industry division of last job (ANZSIC), Reason left or lost last job and Sex, February 1991 onwards |
UQ2b - Unemployed persons by Industry division of last job (ANZSIC), State and Territory, February 1991 onwards |
UQ3a - Unemployed persons by Occupation major group of last job (ANZSCO), Reason left or lost last job and Sex, February 1991 onwards |
UQ3b - Unemployed persons by Occupation major group of last job (ANZSCO), State and Territory, February 1991 onwards |
All quarterly datacubes |